Welcome to my journey.

Flippo Solo Hardcore is the tag I use to identify my attitude and my state of mind.

Experience fishing as a lifestyle, an art, a rebellion against convention and a celebration of one's individuality.
Flippo Solo Hardcore is not following the rules, but making your own.
It is experiencing fishing not just as a pastime, but as a way of life, an explosion of creativity and adrenaline.

It's not just about breaking records or following the latest trends, but about challenging yourself and the world around you. It's a journey of self-discovery, where every catch is a personal achievement and every mistake is a lesson that makes you grow.

Flippo Solo Hardcore because fishing is not just a solitary activity, but an opportunity to connect with others and share unforgettable experiences.

Flippo Solo Hardcore is a declaration of freedom and expression of my self. It is the cry of those who are not satisfied with the banal, but always seek new adventures and new challenges. It is more than a passion, it is a lifestyle.
It's putting my favorite cassette in the ghettoblaster and enjoying this ride because I Flippo Solo Hardcore!

Alessio Pettinato aka OlDirtyBasstard aka ILoveFuckingThePeach

Now I want to know what fishing means to you! A tag, a message, an emotion, whatever you want! Leave your mark in the comments 👇

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